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Email: ecommerce@mediaposthitmail.bg Phone: +359 2 962 86 29
en Monday - Friday 09:00-18:00
Email: ecommerce@mediaposthitmail.bg Phone: +359 2 962 86 29

Order Analytics & Optimization

Order Analytics & Optimization

If you have a small to medium-sized ecommerce websites you probably often have issues with the business expansion. Your products might be good, but the knowledge about how to manage the products information and how to sell in several channels at once is often organized on the go. Even with a relatively small number of orders per day they you might be struggling in organizing properly your processes. If you sell in more than one country usually these issues tend to multiply.

New markets mean new sales channels. And having multiple sales channels and multiple order sources can be really overwhelming. This is often preventing ambitions ecommerce companies expand big time. And it shouldn’t be like that. Technologies are here to help.

Own Your Data

When you sell online to end customers you need a reliable system to store all your orders with. That allows you to be independent from ecommerce platforms, marketplaces and other sales channels that try to keep up everything for themselves. You have probably heard or experienced a nightmare with data migration from one ecommerce platform to another – like products, customers’ data and history etc. Consider this issue already solved!

You will be able to store, export and transfer data about all your orders anytime, with just a click. You will have all the history for your key customers and you will be able to analyze it and act accordingly. Working with this data will help you to sell more, to more people, in more sales channels and countries. And all this data will flow neatly into a single source of reference for you, with all analytical dashboards you might need.  

Critical Information About Your Business

Our Orders Analytics system allows you to have a quick overview on all your sales channels and all your important metrics in one place! You have your whole ecommerce business at a glance. You will not only know which channel brings you most orders, but also which product sells best by channels, countries etc.

You will also have a good understanding about hidden issues your ecommerce business might have – like unusual delays, deliverability issues in one country or another, increased parcel returns for a particular period etc. You will compare all this data against a historical benchmark set for your business so you will know exactly when things work fine or there is a potential tread for your online sales or in particular channel.

Paperwork Done, Integrations in Place

Our Orders Analytics system allows you also to send automatic invoices to customers (optionally) or to export the OSS VAT report by countries. Reporting to authorities is as easy as it should be – just an export away.

Process and filter data as you want, for whatever purpose you need it – accountancy, marketing, or else. Get a real-time inventory update for all the linked fulfillment warehouses where we process your orders. All this without the heavy cost for additional integrations and development. We take care of them instead, while you run your ecommerce business without any additional efforts.

All our customers using our fulfillment and courier delivery services have a VIP access to the Orders Analytics system at no additional cost. If you just want to use the system with no additional services from us, there is a monthly fee for it plus a small extra charge per each order you streamline through the system. Contact us for more information!      

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